The 02 BMW in the context of the 60s/70s.
A car must always be seen in his environment and his time, only then you can empathize in the driving experience of the relevant time. In the "heyday" of the 02, which I would see in the years 1968 - 1974, there were more important things than air pollution and fuel consumption, at least until oil crisis in 1973. Driving could still be fun and people liked driving car. But even at this time it was not as cheap as you could think, if you look at the price sign. You have to regard the average income at this time. [Image Source: Aral] |
34 countries around the world have accepted the GDR in international law as a state until 1972. However, the ADAC (biggest german car driver club) proved with his road map some foresight and thus includes both parts of Germany, western and eastern Germany. |
And playing cards .. the eternal duel was fought - MERCEDES vs. BMW. I always thought it was not fair that the Mercedes C111 exists in the card game, which beat all BMW. Finally, this was not a production car but a prototype - really unfair.
I can remember at Tritop vaguely only, that is, on the appearance of the bottles still good, but how did it taste? Today you can buy Tritop again, but will probably taste differently than before. However, I have no memory gaps in ice. The access road to our residential area, a typical mid-60s housing estate (see picture below), there was a gas station, where the Langnese flags always waved. And every now and then I got bought one, too. |
Mid-60s, the cities grew rapidly. The result was often quickly erected prefabricated buildings, sometimes more, sometimes less beautiful. The main thing was, for most, even to get a modern apartment at a reasonable price. In the house at left I grew up . It was nice, in my view, that there lived mostly young families with children. I had countless playmates, you was never alone in the playground and on the trails around the block. As was driven bike and Kettcar to the bet.
The Pril Flower - in the 70s was there any kitchen without this flowers sticking on the wall? At home and at my grandma at least they stuck to the tiles in the kitchen. |
We can only smile about what you wore at the time. And even if it is authentic to drive in the 70's outfit at a classic car meeting, I would rather not dress like that. This is perhaps the good thing about the retro trend, although it looks a little like this as to the time, but in much milder form and tolerable for todays taste.
1971 - I step on the gas - because I want to have fun |